
Praxisd Class

Available serverside.
Available clientside.
The praxisd class connects and handles communication with the praxisd daemon process.

Method overview


object Praxisd.new(string host, int port)
Create a new Praxisd connection object.
Create a new praxisd object:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
The hostname to connect to.
The port number to connect to.
Returns The newly created communication object.
stringlist-list praxisd:cavelist()
Get server cave list. To retrieve cavelist for a patient see praxisd:getcave().
Create a new praxisd object, get and print cavelist:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
lst = px:cavelist()
for i=0,#lst do
  print('cave: ' .. lst[i][1])
  print('bemaerkning1: ' .. lst[i][2])
  print('bemaerkning2: ' .. lst[i][3])
  print('bemaerkning3: ' .. lst[i][4])
Returns The complete list of known (possible) cave from the server. The returned stringlist are indexed as follows: 1: cave - 2: bemaerkning1 - 3: bemaerkning2 - 4: bemaerkning3
stringlist-list praxisd:behandlinglist()
Get server behandling list. To retrieve behandlinglist for a patient see praxisd:getbehandling().
Create a new praxisd object, get and print behandlinglist:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
lst = px:behandlinglist()
for i=0,#lst do
  print('kode: ' .. lst[i][1])
  print('behandling: ' .. lst[i][2])
  print('bemaerkning: ' .. lst[i][3])
  print('udregning: ' .. lst[i][4])
Returns The complete list of known (possible) behandling from the server. The returned stringlist are indexed as follows: 1: kode - 2: behandling - 3: bemaerkning - 4: udregning.
stringlist-list praxisd:diagnoselist()
Get server diagnose list. To retrieve diagnoselist for a patient see praxisd:getdiagnose().
Create a new praxisd object, get and print diagnoselist:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
lst = px:diagnoselist()
for i=0,#lst do
  print('kode: ' .. lst[i][1])
  print('diagnose: ' .. lst[i][2])
  print('bemaerkning: ' .. lst[i][3])
Returns The complete list of known (possible) diagnose from the server. The returned stringlist are indexed as follows: 1: kode - 2: diagnose - 3: bemaerkning.
stringlist-list praxisd:getcave(string patientid)
Get cave list from a patient. To retrieve cavelist from the server see praxisd:cavelist(). To add cave to a patient see praxisd:addcave().
Create a new praxisd object, get and print cavelist:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
lst = px:getcave('1234567890')
for i=0,#lst do
  print('cave: ' .. lst[i][1])
  print('bemaerkning1: ' .. lst[i][2])
  print('bemaerkning2: ' .. lst[i][3])
  print('bemaerkning3: ' .. lst[i][4])
  print('sogetxt: ' .. lst[i][5])
  print('sogedato: ' .. lst[i][6])
A string containing the patientid.
Returns The list cave registered with the patient. The returned stringlist are indexed as follows: 1: cave - 2: bemaerkning1 - 3: bemaerkning2 - 4: bemaerkning3 - 5: sogetxt - 6: sogedato.
stringlist-list praxisd:getbehandling(string patientid)
Get behandling list from a patient. To retrieve behandlinglist from the server see praxisd:behandlinglist(). To add behandling to a patient see praxisd:addbehandling().
Create a new praxisd object, get and print behandlinglist:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
lst = px:getbehandling('1234567890')
for i=0,#lst do
  print('kode: ' .. lst[i][1])
  print('behandling: ' .. lst[i][2])
  print('bemaerkning: ' .. lst[i][3])
  print('udregning: ' .. lst[i][4])
  print('sogetxt: ' .. lst[i][5])
  print('sogedato: ' .. lst[i][6])
A string containing the patientid.
Returns The list behandling registered with the patient. The returned stringlist are indexed as follows: 1: kode - 2: behandling - 3: bemaerkning - 4: udregning - 5: sogetxt - 6: sogedato.
stringlist-list praxisd:getdiagnose(string patientid)
Get diagnose list from a patient. To retrieve diagnoselist from the server see praxisd:diagnoselist(). To add diagnose to a patient see praxisd:adddiagnose().
Create a new praxisd object, get and print diagnoselist:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
lst = px:getdiagnose('1234567890')
for i=0,#lst do
  print('kode: ' .. lst[i][1])
  print('diagnose: ' .. lst[i][2])
  print('bemaerkning: ' .. lst[i][3])
  print('sogetxt: ' .. lst[i][4])
  print('sogedato: ' .. lst[i][5])
A string containing the patientid.
Returns The list diagnose registered with the patient. The returned stringlist are indexed as follows: 1: kode - 2: diagnose - 3: bemaerkning - 4: sogetxt - 5: sogedato.
nil praxisd:addcave(string patientid, string cave, string text)
Add a cave entry to a patient. To retrieve list of cave from a patient see praxisd:getcave(). NOTE: This function is only available on the server.
Create a new praxisd object and add a cave entry:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
px:addcave('1234567890', 'AZOPT', '')
A string containing the patientid.
The cave string.
A text to store with the cave entry. NOTE: This is not shown in PCPraxis! The string mat be up to 6 characters long. If longer it will be trunkated.
nil praxisd:addbehandling(string patientid, string behandling, string text)
Add a behandling to a patient. To retrieve list of behandling from a patient see praxisd:getbehandling(). NOTE: This function is only available on the server.
Create a new praxisd object and add a behandling:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
px:addbehandling('1234567890', 'B0001', 'o.sin')
A string containing the patientid.
The behandling code.
A text to store with the behandling code. The string mat be up to 6 characters long. If longer it will be trunkated.
nil praxisd:adddiagnose(string patientid, string diagnose, string text)
Add a diagnose to a patient. To retrieve list of diagnose from a patient see praxisd:getdiagnose(). NOTE: This function is only available on the server.
Create a new praxisd object and add a diagnose:
px = Praxisd.new('localhost', 10000)
px:adddiagnose('1234567890', 'C0001', 'o.dxt')
A string containing the patientid.
The diagnose code.
A text to store with the diagnose code. The string mat be up to 6 characters long. If longer it will be trunkated.
nil __gc()
Garbage collector. Closes connection and frees all allocated memory.